10:00 Introduction, production philosophy, modern concepts of machine tools,
machines, transfer och hybrids
Chip control, burr free machining, chipping of
the work piece and the cutting edges
Wear mechanisms and cutting materials
High and medium pressure coolant, under directed coolant
Residual stresses after machining
11:00 Reduction of numbers and length of the production
Predictable tool life, economical tool life, life of tool parts machining and
how to
avoid random tool failures
Disturbing vibrations at metal cutting, forced and self
How to eliminate disturbing vibrations in practice
Long tools, thin walls, helical milling cutters and machining with round inserts
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Modern machining methods: Crocodile milling “Trochoidal
and Scallop milling”,
helical milling, high feed milling, plunging,
turn milling,
milling, inclined plunging and heel milling with ball and bull nose cutters
13:30 Machining of: Low carbon steels, stainless steels, powder
metallurgical steels,
Ni-base alloys, Titanium, cupper, brass, bronze, HSM in aluminium, polymers,
metal and other composites
of own tooling standard, tooling rationalisation
tools, inserts and tool parts
to come up to the best solution from start
surface and shape
cutting simulation: What can be done and how to evaluate the results
14:45 Discussion och summing up
15:00 End of the day