Curriculum Vitae
Inge Svenningsson Dr. Professor:
2004-2006 Visiting professor at Luleå technical university
2001-2007 Metal cutting research at AB Sandvik Coromant
2000-2001 Responsible for metal cutting research and engineering at AB Sandvik
1998- 2004 Professor at Luleå technical university, “Verkstadsteknik”
Production technique
1997-00 Responsible for development of milling tools at AB
Sandvik Coromant
1989 PhD, Linköping institute of technology
1985-97 Development engineer at AB SECO TOOL, development of milling tools and
1985 Licentiate, Linköping institute of technology
1982 M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, Linköping institute of technology
List of Publications:
On the mechanism of two-body abrasive wear in turning "the spin-split theory", Svenningsson, I.
Int. J. Adv. Manuf. technol. 92 (2017) 3337-3348. DOI 10.1007/s00170-017-0259-4
Norman, P. Rantatalo, M. Svenningsson, I. Kaplan, A. Monitoring
of the machining process for aluminium and steel.
10th International Research/Expert Conference, TMT 2006, Trends in the Development
of Machinery and Associated Technology, Lloret de Mar, Spain, 11th to 15th September,
Norman, P. Rantatalo, M.. Svenningsson, I.Kaplan, A. Spindle/tool/work
piece stiffness analysis and the effect on the process stability during machining
of aluminium alloy 7010 and steel SS2541-03. 10th International Research/Expert
Conference “Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology”TMT
2006, Lloret de Mar, Spain, 11-15 September, 2006.
Svenningsson, I. Tjernström, E. Multi-Task Machining High Performance Tools
Presented at “Schmalkalder Werzugtagung” Germany, November 2004.
Johansson, C. Svenningsson, I. Kaplan, A, Achieving advantages
of scale in small companies through horizontal networking, Presented at the 10:th
international conference on concurrent enterprising, Sevilla, Spain, 14-16 June,
Vosough M. , Svenningsson I., Influence of High Pressure Water Jet-Assisted Machining
on Surface Residual Stresses on the Work-Piece of Ti-6AL-4V Alloy, ICEM 2004/The
3rd International, Conference, on Experimental Mechanics, 29th November –
1st December 2004 , Singapore.
Vosough M., Kalhori V. , Liu P. , Svenningsson I. Influence
of High Pressure Water-Jet Assisted Turning on Surface Residual Stresses on Ti-6AL-4V
Alloy by Measurement and Finite Element Simulation, ASM/International Surface
Engineering Congress and Exposition, August 2-4, Orlando Florida USA, 2004.
Vosough M., Liu P. , Svenningsson I. , Depth Profile of Titanium Alloy (Ti-6Al-4V)
and Residual Stress Measured by Using X-Ray Diffraction After Metal Cutting Assisted
By High-Pressured Jet Cooling, ICRS-7 th International Conference on Residual
Stresses June 14-17, 2004 X’ian, China.
Vosough M., Liu P, Svenningsson I. , Measurement of Residual
Stresses in Ti-6Al-4V for the Aerospace Industry When Turning the Surface with
Applying “Jet Break” Compared to Conventional Coolant Appliance, ASM/Heat
Treating and surface Engineering 15-17 September 2003 Indianapolis, Indiana USA.
Svenningsson, I. Berter, B. , Development and Trends Regarding Tools for Metal
Cutting, C.I.R.P./VDI Berichte 1399 High Performance Tools 1998, ISBN 3-18-09
Svenningsson, I. Hågeryd, L. , Fräsning och Svarvfräsning,
Kap.10.3.9. och 10.3.10. Karlebo Handbok Utgåva nr 15. 2000, ISBN 91-47-01558-6.
Svenningsson, I. , Svarvfräsning, Kap.10.3.10. Karlebo Handbok Utgåva
nr 14. 1992, ISBN 91-21-13273-9.
Svenningsson, I. , Svarvfräsning, Dr. Thesis, LiTH Linköping,
1989 Svenningsson, I. Greif, A. , Beräkning av skärkrafter, LiTH-IKP-R476,
Svenningsson, I. Greif, A. , Svarvfräsning-Driftsäker process med hög
produktivitet i ett svarvfräs-bearbetningscenter, IKP-R-494, 1987 Svenningsson,
I. Greif, A. , Skärkraftsberäkning vid Ändplansfräsning, LiTH-IKP-R476,
Svenningsson, I. , Spånkontroll vid svarvning, Lic.Thesis, LiTH Linköping,
Svenningsson, I. Klöör, P. Wernersson, Å. ,
Coherent SODAR for Automatic Monitoring of the Chip Breaking Process in Turning,
Annals of the CIRP Vol.34/1/1985.
Svenningsson, I. , Spånkontroll vid svarvning, Verkstäderna nr 13 10
October 1984.
Kinnander, A. Svenningsson, I., Strategies to Control Variations in Machinability
in Mixed Manufacturing, Annals of the CIRP Vol.33/1/1984.
Tomas Beno, Dr. Drilling and Manufacturing Techniques
Michael B�ckstr�m, Dr. Assistant Professor. Manufacturing, Rapid prototyping and Free Form machining
Lars Kjellberg, M. Sc. Drilling, Deep Hole Drilling and Gun Drilling
Lennart Ulding, M. Sc. Machine Tool Design and Manufacturing Techniques